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shadow puppets play

时间:2022-12-31 13:32 阅读数:7274人阅读

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+0+ Shadow Puppet Play 皮影戏_Chinese_沪江日语With a long history in China,shadow puppets were introduced to many countries during the Yang Dynasty,attracting many foreign audiences.They call the art form Chinese shadow play.傲慢与偏见英汉对照阅读_Chinese Shadow Play_沪江英语The puppets in the shadow play are made of transparent leather and Chinese shadow artists first carve out the lines of the design and then dye them in bright colors.These 。

Shadow play(ICH)[5]Guangdong,ChinaShadow puppets consist of upper and lower bodies,legs,arms,hands and interchangeable heads.Any shadow play troupe prop box would contain than 1,000 different heads to fit 200-Shadow Puppet Play.doc-原创力文档Shadow Puppet Play SHADOW puppetry,also known as“shadow play,”is a traditional form of storytelling through the medium of flat articulated,elaborately engraved figures.。

Shadow Puppet Play学卷-百度文库puppets around. ⑤ of different characters. 3.Read Paragraph 4-5 and answer the questions. (1)Are shadow puppet plays as popular as before?(2)Why do Wang and his friends put on 阅读理解Shadow puppet play(皮影戏)also called“shadow play”is a traditional Chinese art of storytelling.Dramas were played out(5)The best title for the passage may be_.A.The Making of Shadow Puppets B.History of Chinese Shadow Play C.How to Put on a Shadow Play D.Shadow Play—A Traditional Chinese Art 。

[题目]Shadow puppet play(皮影戏)also called“shadowplay,is a traditional Chinese art of storytelling.Dramas were played out in A.The Making of Shadow Puppets B.History of Chinese Shadow Play C.How to Put on a Shadow Play D.Shadow Play-A Traditional Chinese Art 【答案】【1】A 【2】C 【3】B 【4】B 【5】D 阅读理解Shadowpuppetplay皮影戏alsocalled“shadowplay”isatraditionalChineseartofstorytellingThe Making of Shadow Puppets B.History of Chinese Shadow Play C.How to Put on a Shadow Play D.Shadow Play—A Traditional Chinese Art 阅读理解We can make mistakes at any age.Some 。

+▽+ 皮影戏(The shadow play)今日头条The making of shadow-play puppets(木偶)requires choice materials and skills.First,donkey hide has to be found to make the heads,limbs and torsos(躯干)of the human figures,which 阅读理解Shadow puppet play(皮影戏)also called“shadow play”is a traditional Chinese art of storytelling.Dramas were played out(5)The best title for the passage may be_.A.The Making of Shadow Puppets B.History of Chinese Shadow Play C.How to Put on a Shadow Play D.Shadow Play-A Traditional Chinese Art 。

